Free Classes & Activities

Open Gym Adult Basketball
6-7:15 AM
Come get some exercise and meet some new friends! Held in the Buellton Rec Gym.

Aerobic Tap for Seniors
10-11:15 AM
Tap dance to Broadway show tunes and get a great aerobic workout. Bring your tap shoes and level of experience! Each 75 minute class will include a preview, warm-up, aerobic workout and cool down. Held in Room A.

Ballroom Dancing
6-8 PM
Have you ever wanted to learn to dance ballroom or just brush up on your skills? Join Instructors David and Jo for an evening of fun. No partner needed and drop-ins are welcome! Adults only. Held in Room B.

International Folk Dancing
Thurs. & Sat: 4-6 PM (Adv.)
Sat. 6-8 PM (All Levels)
Join David Heald and the Solvang Village Folk Dancers to learn dances from Scandinavia, England, Scotland, Italy, Greece and more! If you can walk, you can dance...and we want to teach you! No partner needed! Adults only! Held in Room A.